Rotkreuz_Claudia Christen_Girls (4)
Ob der Roboter wohl tut was er sagt?
There is a shortage of female engineers and computer scientists in Switzerland. This is not least due to the lack of female role models in the STEM field and the widespread gender stereotypes.
Read also: https://www.netzwoche.ch/storys/2019-01-09/so-begeistert-die-schweiz-mehr-frauen-fuer-die-it.
We are convinced that girls are attracted by the creative possibilities of STEM subjects, and girls need to be approached differently! ==> Both are possible with the World Robot Olympiad!
Teachers and coaches who have taken part in the WRO with teams of schoolgirls since the start of the support program and have been able to benefit from a robot set have this to say: (You can find statements from the girls in our Girls Blog!)
“Apart from Mindstorms robots, one pupil in particular was also involved with the topic in other ways. She is currently doing a voluntary project on robotic hands and prostheses and is also assembling a kit for this. Robotics has therefore hit the bull’s eye with her.”
“We were delighted to receive the free robotics set for participating with a girls’ team. It also prompted me to recruit a second girl to take part in the last WRO, as the other girl had previously been alone. Without this free set, we wouldn’t have had an all-girls team.”
“I currently have two girls in the group, one of whom was already at the WRO this year. As this girl had told the other children about her positive experience of the WRO during the information event, we were able to motivate another girl to take part in this support program.”
“The one girl who was already in our group at the beginning (February 2019) seems more motivated when working in a team with another girl than before in the heterogeneous group.”
“My students are still very enthusiastic and often talk about the WRO. This time is also repeatedly praised in discussions with parents. The girls qualified ahead of the boys (both teams reached the final), which makes them particularly proud.”
“I happened to be at the sixth form when two girls presented the principal with an estimate for their robotics project; they would like to take part in the WRO again with a third. 🙂 on your own initiative!”