At the Swiss Finals 2024 in Hausen AG, 68 teams participated:

  • 56 teams in the RoboMission category, among them were:
    • 20 teams in the Elementary age group (8 to 12 years)
    • 20 teams in the Senior age group (11 to 15 years)
    • 16 Teams der Altersklasse Senior (14 bis 19 Jahre)
  • 6 teams in the Future Innovators category (8 to 19 yeatrs)
  • 4 teams in the Startercategory (6 bis 10 Jahre)
  • 2 teams in the Future Engineers category who showed their skills to an interested audience without actually competing.

And these are the winning teams:

RoboMission Elementary

1st place: RoboBoys (201 points, 224 seconds) *
2nd place: Robolix Aeugst (185 points, 207 seconds) *
3rd place: SvenDavid (170 points, 176 seconds) **
4th place: Team Starlight (162 points, 198 seconds) **

* qualified for the International Finals in Izmir, Türkiye
** qualified for the Open Championship in Brescia, Italy

RobotDesign Award: Robolix Aeugst

RoboMission Junior

1st place: Robo Sapiens (248 points, 239 seconds) *
2nd place: Robomatik New Generation (214 points, 314 seconds) *
3rd place: The SoZo Duo (200 points, 216 seconds) **
4th place: Highlanders two (185 points, 184 seconds) **

* qualified for the International Finals in Izmir, Türkiye
** qualified for the Open Championship in Brescia, Italy

RobotDesign Award: Robomatik Arachna

RoboMission Senior

1st place: Robolution (218 points, 302 seconds) *
2nd place: Mindstürmer (163 points, 208 seconds) *
3rd place: robotiikkainsinööri(153 points, 164 seconds) **
4th place: balda7strich3 (153 points, 274 points) **

* qualified for the International Finals in Izmir, Türkiye
** qualified for the Open Championship in Brescia, Italy

RobotDesign Award: Phoenix

Future Innovators

1st place: overclocked *
2nd place: Salut Robot! **
3rd place: Les Robbis

* qualified for the International Finals in Izmir, Türkiye
** qualified for the Open Championship in Brescia, Italy


1st place: Robomatik Masters **
2nd place: Robomasters
3rd place: RoboCraft

** qualified for the Open Championship in Brescia, Italy

>> Complete list of results in all categories and age groups

WRO Switzerland congratulates all teams who participated in the Swiss Finals. You all have shown great work! We are looking forward to traveling to the international events with some of you, and we hope to see all teams again at one of our competitions next year.