WRO Switzerland offers robotics workshops for girls and young women aged 8 to 16.
WRO Switzerland offers robotics workshops for girls and young women aged 8 to 16.
All girls and young women can take part, regardless of whether they are taking part in the WRO competition this season.
Participation is possible for individual girls as well as for entire girls’ teams.
All girls’ workshops are free of charge for participants. For on-site courses, participants will be reimbursed for their travel expenses (2nd class SBB).
This half-day workshopis designed for girls who have no previous experience with robotics or programming.
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Campus Brugg-Windisch
Building 6, 1st floor
Room 6.1D51
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch
If you come by train, go to Brugg AG and take the exit at the elevator and leave the underpass in the direction of the campus (behind platform 5). The University of Applied Sciences is then diagonally left in front of you. I’ll be waiting for you with a WRO sign at the entrance.
This workshop is intended for girls and young women who have a basic knowledge of programming. Experience with a Lego robot is an advantage, but not necessary. Depending on the number of registrations, the course can be held in Scratch or Python.
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Campus Brugg-Windisch
Building 6, 1st floor
Room 6.1D51
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch
If you come by train, then go to Brugg AG and take the exit at the elevator and leave the underpass in the direction of the campus (behind platform 5). The University of Applied Sciences is then diagonally left in front of you. I’ll be waiting for you with a WRO sign at the entrance.